Hawaii is my happy place. I could definitely live there for a couple of months, which is why I wanted to spend some time there before I moved to London for a year. A self-proclaimed Cali Girl and City Girl, I'd also add another to the list: Island Girl. And I lived out all my Island girl dreams that summer! If I could wear a Haku lei every day for the rest of my life, I totally would.
The trip began in Kauai with my parents, and continued in Oahu with my sister. When I tell you we fully embraced the island lifestyle of taking it day by day. And ate like royalty - am always down for a lunch plate from Giovanni's.
I'm super fortunate that family vacations as a kid a lot of times meant a trip to Hawaii. It constantly blows my mind that Hawaii is a bucket list destination for so many considering that it's like another home to me and my family. And as much as I want to go back, I'm just glad that the land and its people get a little break from over-tourism. There is some bright side to this pandemic that has wrecked its havoc on the world - and that's the fact that nature can have its rest from what could be considered the biggest virus of all: humankind.
As long as we can learn to appreciate Mother Earth and stop trashing nature, places like Hawaii will continue to thrive. And I don't know about you, but I very much want that for her.